Statistics Study Formula Sheet

(Not permitted during exams)

Topic Manual Formula         Excel Formula
Central Tendency:
Mean Sample:  Population:

=AVERAGE(first : last)
Weighted Mean Sum of the product of weights times data values over the sum of weights

=SUMPRODUCT(weights, values) / n
Where n = SUM(weights)
Median If N is odd:  N plus 1, all divided by 2 If N is even:  N divided by 2 =MEDIAN(first : last)

Mode Data value with the most repeats.

=MODE.SNGL(first : last)  or  =MODE.MULT(first : last)

Range Maximum value minus minimum value.

=MAX() - MIN()

Class Width Range divided by number of classes. =range / number of classes
Variance Sample: 

Standard Deviation (SD) Sample: 


Or, =variance^0.5

Skewness 3 times (mean minus median), all divided by standard deviation.
=3*(AVERAGE() - MEDIAN()) / SD
The above formula is used in our practice questions. There is an Excel skewness formula but answers are different:
=SKEW(first : last)
Excel internal skewness formula is:

Coefficient of Variation Sample: 
=SD / AVERAGE() * 100

Probability = 1 minus (1 divided by k squared).
Where k = number of standard deviations

= 1 - 1 / k^2
Where k = number of standard deviations
Grouped Data:
Weighted Mean Sum of the product of frequencies times class midpoints over the sum of class frequencies
=SUMPRODUCT(frequencies,class midpoints)/n
Where n = SUM(class frequencies)
Median Class that contains middle frequency:  N plus 1, all divided by 2
class that has middle frequency: =(n+1)/2
Variance Sum of the product of frequencies times deviations over the sum of frequencies
Where deviations =(midpoint minus mean)squared, all divided by n.
Population is same except divide by n, instead of n-1.

Where deviations = (midpoint - mean)^2
Population is same except divide by n.
Standard Deviation

Square root of variance.

Round up if decimal; average if whole.

= percentile / 100 * n
Round up if decimal; average if whole.
IQR Interquartile Range = Q3 − Q1 = Q3 - Q1
Upper Outlier:  Q3 + 1.5(IQR)
= Q3 + 1.5 * IQR
Lower Outlier:  Q1 − 1.5(IQR)

= Q1 − 1.5 * IQR
P(A) = A / Total
P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A ∩ B)
P(A and B) = P(A) × P(B) = P(A) * P(B)
P(A and B) = P(A) × P(B|A) = P(A) * P(B|A)
P(A | B) = P(A and B) / P(B) same
Bayes' Rule:
P(A | B) =       P(A|B)×P(B)      

= P(B|A)×P(A) / P(B)
=( P(A|B) * P(B) )  /  ( P(A|B)*P(B) + P(A|Bc)*P(Bc) )

= P(B|A) * P(A) / P(B)
Where or = union symbol.,   and = ,   given = |



Where r = number of objects selected

Discrete Distributions:
Expected Value =SUMPRODUCT(x,P(x))

Variance =SUM(x^2 * p) - (expected value^2))
Standard Deviation

=SQRT(Discrete Variance)
Binomial Distributions:


=n*p*(1 - p)
Binomial Standard Deviation


Probability of x equals n primed over x primed times ( n minus x ) primed all multiplied by p to the power of x times ( 1 minus p ) to the power of n minus x

Normal Distributions:
Z Score Sample:   Population:   =(x - average()) / SD

Z Score is the number of standard deviations between some value of x and the mean.

Z to Probability For manual calculations, look up probabilities in "Areas Under the One-Tailed Standard Normal Curve" table.

Less than:
=NORM.S.DIST(z score, 1)
More than:
=1-NORM.S.DIST(z score, 1)
=NORM.S.DIST(high z score,1) - NORM.S.DIST(low z score,1)

Probability Excel can calculate probability directly from X, Mean and Standard Deviation, but for manual calculations, compute z score and look up probability as described above. =NORM.DIST()
Less than:
=NORM.DIST(high value,Mean,SD,1)
Where the "1" means cumulative.
More than:
=1-NORM.DIST(low value,Mean,SD,1)
=NORM.DIST(high value,Mean,SD,1) - NORM.DIST(low value,Mean,SD,1)

Probability to Z Adjust probability (add or subtract .5).
Then look up the z closest to adjusted probability.

Probability to X x = z times standard deviation plus mean.

Sampling from Normal Distribution, Mean (Central Limit Theorem):
Standard Error Standard error = standard deviation divided by square root of n. Standard Error:
=SD / SQRT(n)
Probability 3 times (mean minus median), all divided by standard deviation. Less than:
Where 1 means cumulative.
More than:
=1-NORM.DIST(X,Mean,SD/SQRT(n), 1)
=NORM.DIST(high X,Mean,SD/SQRT(n),1) - NORM.DIST(low X,Mean,SD/SQRT(n),1)

Sampling from Normal Distribution, Proportion:
Validation If np greater than or equal to 5 and n(1 - p) greater or equal than 5.use the approximation for a normal probability distribution formula.
Where p = population proportion

If n*p ≥ 5 and n*(1-p) ≥ 5 use:
Where p = population proportion
Standard Error The square root of (p times (1 minus p)), over n σp = SQRT(p*(1 - p) / n)
Z score Sample proportion minus population proportion, all divided by standard error for proportion. z = (ps - p) / σp
Probability Look up probabilities in "Areas Under the One-Tailed Standard Normal Curve" table.

Less than:
More than:
=NORM.S.DIST(high z) - NORM.S.DIST(low z)
Confidence Intervals, Mean:
Alpha Alpha = 1 minus confidence level. Alpha = 1 - Confidence Level
Margin of Error E = z times standard deviation for x bar. =CONFIDENCE.NORM(alpha,SD,n)
Margin of Error Margin of error = t times standard error. (small sample)

=CONFIDENCE.T(alpha,SD,n) (small sample)
Interval sample mean minus z score times standard error is less than or equal to the population mean which is less than or equal to the sample mean plus z score times standard error

= (mean - E) to (mean + E)
Confidence Intervals, Proportion:
z Adjust probability (add or subtract .5) then look up z closest to adjusted probability.

=NORM.S.INV(confidence level + alpha/2)
Margin of Error E = z times standard deviation for x bar.

=z * SQRT(p * (1-p)/n)
Interval sample proportion minus z score times standard error is less than or equal to the population proportion which is less than or equal to the sample proportion plus z score times standard error

=(proportion - E)  to  =(prop + E)
Sample Size, Mean:
(z value times standard deviation divided by allowed error) all squared

=(z * SD / E)^2
Sample Size, Proportion:
Validation: np greater than or equal to 5 and n(1 - p) greater or equal than 5.
Population proportion times (1 minus population proportion) times the square of (z value divided by allowed error)

n*p ≥ 5 and n*(1-p) ≥ 5

p*(1 − p) * (z / E)^2

Hypothesis Tests:
Standard error: Test tatistic:
Mean Sample Standard Deviation divided by square root of sample size Sample mean minus population mean, all divided by standard error
1-tail: = NORM.S.INV(Confidence Level)
2-tail: = NORM.S.INV(Confidence Level + Alpha/2)
Test Statistic:
=(sample mean - mean) / (SD/SQRT(n))
Proportion The square root of (p times (1 minus p)), over n Sample proportion minus population proportion, all divided by standard error for proportion.

1-tail:  =NORM.S.INV(Confidence Level)
2-tail:  = NORM.S.INV(Confidence Level + Alpha/2)
Test Statistic:
=(ps - p) / SQRT(p*(1 - p) / n)
Small Sample Sample standard deviation divided by square root of sample size Sample mean minus population mean, all divided by standard error

1-tail: =T.INV(Alpha,df)
2-tail: =T.INV.2T(Alpha,df)
Where df = degrees of freedom = n - 1

P-Value Sample standard deviation divided by square root of sample size Sample mean minus population mean, all divided by standard error
1-tail:  z =NORM.DIST(sample mean, population mean, SD/SQRT(n),1)
2-tail:  z = NORM.DIST(sample mean, population mean, SD/SQRT(n),1) * 2

Regression Analysis:
Coefficient of Correlation: r = sum of (x minus x-bar bracket bracket y minus y-bar bracket, all over brachet n minus 1 bracket s sub x s sub y.
= n times the sum of xy minus bracket sum of x bracket bracket sum of y brachet, all over the root of n times the sum of x squared minus bracket sum of x bracket squared times the square root of n times the sum of y squared minus bracket sum of y bracket squared.
In Excel statistics analysis:

"Multiple R"
Coefficient of Determination:    b = r squared. "R Square"
Regression Equation: y sub i = a plus bx.
Slope: b = (n(sum of x times y) minus (sum of x)(sum of y)) all divided by n(sum of x squared) minus (sum of x)squared.
"X Variable" in Regression Statistics, or the heading you enter if you check "Labels" when you type data into Excel.
Y Intercept:         a = sum of y divided by n minus b times the sum of x divided by n.
Standard Error Se = the square root of all of the following:  the sum of y squared minus a times the sum of y minus b times the sum of xy, all divided by n minus 2.

"Standard Error" © 2010.   All rights reserved.

Formula Comparisons (for population data)

Univariate Discrete Binomial


Standard Deviation                        © 2010.   All rights reserved.

Last updated:  September 20, 2023